Our Services
We offer piano, percussion, and vocal lessons to select areas of Long Island and Queens with high quality adaptations for each person’s needs. Our youngest students begin at 3 years old and our system has no limit on age. Whether seeking skill or enrichment, we will deliver a high quality lesson to help you become an independent musician.
30-Minute Session - $100
45-Minute Session - $150
60-Minute Session - $200
Piano, Ages 3-5
Using our specialized system, learners first wear color rings and play with a simplified musical notation. This way, the first experience with the piano will be a successful one that will set the stage for a musical future!
Ages 6 and up
Using The Stockner Method™, students learn the fundamentals of reading in the smoothest and most user-friendly way. From the first lesson, we set our goals around students eventually reaching NYSSMA.
Adult Lessons
Using a blend of our simplified musical notation and The Stockner Method™, adults can actually play right away while taking their time to learn the complexities of traditional music notation. This is the best of both worlds.
How Easy is it to Start with a Simple Music Notation Before Learning Traditional Notes?
Watch clips from a student’s first two lessons. This is the beginning of his path to play challenging music with our specialized system in the short term. In the long term, he will move on to The Stockner Method™ to learn how to read traditional music notation with our user-friendly approach!